Paul Kersey IS BADASS! He WAS The Vigilante, Many would say this is the career defining role for Charles Bronson, I say this was a huge point of his resume of bad ass roles, for he was an amazing actor and one of my biggest heroes. From part 1-3 it basically is an entire story being told (Loosely based from the Brian Garfield Novels Death Wish and Death Sentence), from origin to finish (I don't really count 4 and 5). But This Story alone makes you say, "Golly What A Badass!"
Paul Kersey was a simple man,Successful Architect, A Loving Father, And Wonderful Husband living in the dangerous times of New York City.Just another everyday Joe trying to make it in the big city, until one day while walking back from the grocery store, Paul's wife and Daughter are brutally attacked by a group of Punks, leaving Paul's daughter raped and wife Dead.The Police had no clues, no witness' willing to talk and as a result No Care for the Kersey Case.This seemed to fuel Paul's fire for justice but in HIS own way.
After Returning from a trip to Arizona he was given a gift, a .32 caliber nickel plated Colt Police Positive Revolver.This would be the tool he needed to carry out his wish...His DEATH WISH (Electric Drums)
Though his first time as a Vigilante Kersey did not catch the crooks who torn his family apart. Paul was later captured by the police but was ordered to move away from New York instead of being arrested for worry that the press would have a field day with even more Vigilante's then they could handle.
8 years later we see Kersey has moved on to Los Angeles, California where he has a new love in his life and is still trying to get his daughter back on the mental track from the past attack that has left her mute and semi responsive.After a confrontation with a group of thugs who steal Kersey's wallet, Paul drops off his daughter at his house so she can stay with the maid, but sadly lightening struck twice as the punks found Kersey's home and did twice as much damage as the last gang years ago. But this time Paul's daughter was not so lucky.
Paul knew right away it was time to do what he was once known for. Now armed with a Beretta model 85, Our Unfortunate Hero wandered the streets of LA looking for the scum who left him alone in this world and Man did he give them a piece of his mind.
Although Death Wish 3 was not as Deep in character as the previous 2, it was still pretty decent, so I am just gonna show you the kills cause well that is pretty much what it was all about, the body count is amazingly doubled and features probably the best way to kill a Jake Busey Clone. Enjoy!
Wow a lot of Stair falls and Railing kills, guess a .475 Wildey Magnum and a Browning M1919 machine gun will do that to ya. But whichever you may prefer out of these movie 1 thing can be sure. PAUL KERSEY IS A BADASS!
Thanks to, and Don't Mess With Charles Bronson Blogspot for the pic, Videos and Gun Info and Picture
Much more Badass than Paul Blart.