In the Today's Revenge post I added a fan video to the band's version of the theme from Cape Fear but I wanted to share with you some of their other movie theme covers from their album "The Director's Cut". If you wanna hear more then please pick up this album right away. But for now take a look and a listen to the Faith No More front man's other band (one out of many more amazing projects) Fantomas!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Today's Revenge: Making Up For Lost Time
CAPE FEAR (1991) (US)
Keep in mind Revenge is something for the Wicked and not the Good. If you don't believe that statement then you obviously must not have even heard of the word at all in your life. The idea of finding someone that wronged you and doing the worst thing you can think of to make them realize the pain they put You through can only be executed by the demons inside of us all. Well I decided that the past 3 posts on the subject at hand have mainly been about a person who didn't deserve to be wronged but today I am gonna cover the other side of it. I will be covering the re-make which is usually not my style but I will explain why.
Meet Max Cady A Good Ole' Boy who was put to trail for the assault and rape of a young girl and sentenced to a nice lengthy 14 year stay in prison. It was brought to Cady's attention that the reason he was put there was not because of the Defense's efforts but cause of a helping hand by his own lawyer Sam Bowden. Bowden a family man (well a dysfunctional family man) is trying to get through his life dealing with his own problems, the growing adolescence of his daughter, constant arguing with his wife and the desire to have an affair with a co-worker until his past comes back to haunt him, this being the release of one Mr.Max Cady.The former client seems to have been keeping in good shape not just physically but mentally.
While "paying his dues" in the correctional facility he brushed up on his reading mostly the Bible of both Law and Religion. As he first meets up with Bowden he let's him know that he is free, he has served hard times and most of all is gonna make life a living hell for the Attorney at Law by parting off with the words "You Gonna Feel My Pain".Bowden at first thinks nothing of it but just a minor threat, until he notices that Cady is everywhere he is but is simply not harassing him the way they law would consider it thanks to Cady's enormous understanding of man made law's.
Oh keep in mind people that this revenge is not just mind games it Violence as well. Especially this version. The reason why I chose this is because it shows you the brutality of the situation not just by telling you but also showing you. I loved the original but this version is by far the most terrifying one. From the classic theme song to the final seconds of the credits where all you can hear is the waters of Cape Fear splashing together which just leaves you with shivers. If you have not seen it then please do yourself a favor and check out the re-make which is by far one of the best DeNiro performances hands down. Now I won't show you the trailer but for those of you who have seen it please enjoy this music video fan made to the music of the Mike Patton side project "Fantomas". See Ya Next Time, Counselor
Friday, May 28, 2010
My Favorite Game Intros
Who can't forget the first time they played Ocarina Of Time?
Firing up the N64. Hearing the galloping of Epona's hoofs as the melancholy, yet beautiful tune begins to play as Link, on steed, rides into the dawn.
It was magic.
Game intros can leave leave a lasting impression on you, whether you realize it or not. First impressions can really be everything. Especially when dealing with that good old feeling of video game euphoria.
Here are some of my favorites...
Firing up the N64. Hearing the galloping of Epona's hoofs as the melancholy, yet beautiful tune begins to play as Link, on steed, rides into the dawn.
It was magic.
Game intros can leave leave a lasting impression on you, whether you realize it or not. First impressions can really be everything. Especially when dealing with that good old feeling of video game euphoria.
Here are some of my favorites...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Today's Revenge: Suburban Vigilante
My favorite kind of Protagonist is The Everyday Man. Because just a simple canvas of a character can be painted into such a bloody picture. Based on the sequel novel to Death Wish, This movie is far from being a sequel but is it's only little piece of Americana gone wrong. Kevin Bacon plays Nick Hume, a successful businessman with a great family and a nice house in the Burbs (no not where Tom Hanks lives). Well one day while returning home from a Hockey game along with his son Brenden who played in the game he decides to stop and get gas in the very very wrong side of town. Brenden goes inside to get a drink but is met with a gang of hooded thugs who have come in to rob the place blind but also to initiate a new member at the expense of Brenden's life and throat. Nick overhearing the robbery witnesses the brutal demise of his son and manages to get a look at the one who delivered the deadly blow but is in shock such a hideous act has happened causing the thug to get away, well.....sorta.
Once the Street trash is apprehended by the authorities Nick identifies him as the killer. But brought to Nick's attention by his attorney that he is the only eye witness of the scene and that the suspect would only get a small amount of time in Prison. Hume decides it is not enough and retracts his identification of the crook, causing the case to be dismissed but this is not the end of Nick Hume's Vengeance.Later on that night he follows the murderer home and dishes out his own brand of justice.
Nick is filled with satisfaction but still is left with the sadness of wanting his Son back, but is just happy that the whole ordeal is over....too bad it isn't. Word gets around to the newly deceased criminal's older brother who find out about the ordeal and also manages to track down Mr.Hume.
I don't wanna give too much away but what I can tell you is that this movie is a reminder that Revenge is one of the best kinds of plots a movie can have especially if done right. I admit to not caring for the film too much when I first saw it but watching it again years later I found a great appreciation for it and long to make a huge return to the Revenge genre. Great performances, camera angles (Especially an onfoot chase scene in a parking structure that is 1 continuous shot.) and the grittyness that a revenge movie is always known for.Chocolate Chip Kudo's to Director James Wan. heres a trailer to this great Revenge Flick. Check it out and remember do not fuck with Kevin Bacon cause if you do I can promise you that he will find out about it from someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone that worked with or actually know Kevin Bacon and he will Punch Dance Your Soul.
Champagne and Chili-Doggy Style
Random post I wanted to do, If there are two things that go together like Champagne and Doggy Style it is Good Music and Anime. Please Bare Witness to these few videos that Prove my point.I posted 2 for Afro Samurai 1 cause it goes really well with score from the actual Series and another one that totally reminds me of an MTV AMP/ MTV Raps kinda vibe.
Get You Some Of That Dick To-Go
In Honor of our Banner at this time having one of the greatest Dick's in history (in the tradition of Dick Richie, Dick Dietrick, and Lex Steele) Dick Togo or Dick To-GO (Thanks Mom for misreading my wrestling tape label, I am gonna show you a quick match of his, it's a tag match where Dickie and fellow DDT Athlete Chou Un Shiryu take on the Joshi tag team of NEO Machine Guns Which consist of Tanny Mouse (blonde hair) & Yuki Miyazaki. Followed by a match I found and just had to share which had two of my favorite Lightweights from Japan Taka Michinoku (Fellow Kaientai Member of Richard To Go) and the Japanese Buzzsaw Yoshihiro Tajiri. Enjoy!
Friday, May 21, 2010

Here is a list of things that I, as of this post, cannot get enough of:
- House Of Five Leaves
- Podcasts
- Japanese Gummies
- Buying old games
- Blogs on
- Japanese Wrestling Feds
- Netflix on my 360
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