My favorite kind of Protagonist is The Everyday Man. Because just a simple canvas of a character can be painted into such a bloody picture. Based on the sequel novel to Death Wish, This movie is far from being a sequel but is it's only little piece of Americana gone wrong. Kevin Bacon plays Nick Hume, a successful businessman with a great family and a nice house in the Burbs (no not where Tom Hanks lives). Well one day while returning home from a Hockey game along with his son Brenden who played in the game he decides to stop and get gas in the very very wrong side of town. Brenden goes inside to get a drink but is met with a gang of hooded thugs who have come in to rob the place blind but also to initiate a new member at the expense of Brenden's life and throat. Nick overhearing the robbery witnesses the brutal demise of his son and manages to get a look at the one who delivered the deadly blow but is in shock such a hideous act has happened causing the thug to get away, well.....sorta.
Once the Street trash is apprehended by the authorities Nick identifies him as the killer. But brought to Nick's attention by his attorney that he is the only eye witness of the scene and that the suspect would only get a small amount of time in Prison. Hume decides it is not enough and retracts his identification of the crook, causing the case to be dismissed but this is not the end of Nick Hume's Vengeance.Later on that night he follows the murderer home and dishes out his own brand of justice.
Nick is filled with satisfaction but still is left with the sadness of wanting his Son back, but is just happy that the whole ordeal is over....too bad it isn't. Word gets around to the newly deceased criminal's older brother who find out about the ordeal and also manages to track down Mr.Hume.
I don't wanna give too much away but what I can tell you is that this movie is a reminder that Revenge is one of the best kinds of plots a movie can have especially if done right. I admit to not caring for the film too much when I first saw it but watching it again years later I found a great appreciation for it and long to make a huge return to the Revenge genre. Great performances, camera angles (Especially an onfoot chase scene in a parking structure that is 1 continuous shot.) and the grittyness that a revenge movie is always known for.Chocolate Chip Kudo's to Director James Wan. heres a trailer to this great Revenge Flick. Check it out and remember do not fuck with Kevin Bacon cause if you do I can promise you that he will find out about it from someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone that worked with or actually know Kevin Bacon and he will Punch Dance Your Soul.
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