Riki-Oh (or Riki-Ho as the dub on the DVD states...hehehe...HO) is one badass dude. He is the poorman's Kenshiro. Even though the "Fist Of The North Star" Live action movie sucks, this live action manga adaptation doesn't...
...okay it does suck, but it sucks so good. Yes, it's such a bad movie that it is incredibly entertaining.
Don't believe me? Behold and revel in it's power:
And that fight scene was edited too!
The character of Riki-Oh is a man with nothing to lose. In a scene that needs to be seen to be believed, Riki loses his girl to some crooked drug dealers. Which in turn, drives him to go nuts on everybody who stands in his path of vengeance. This ultimately leads him to the pokey, where the entire movie takes place. This is no ordinary prison movie, either. It literally is a live action manga: Blood, guts and lots and lots of over-the-top, good ole fashion ultra-violence. You learn quickly that nobody backs Riki in a corner.
I recommend this film to anyone who doesn't mind gore and lots and lots of bad dialogue. Hey, make a drinking game out of it. There is one in there somewhere.
This movie will break your face!
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