Every Saturday I am going to attempt to pick a person who I believe is worthy of being called a "Badass". To kick things off I'm starting with, who I believe to be, one of Japanese Cinema's...no, world Cinema's most hardcore MFers:
Kakihara from the film Ichi The Killer(Koroshiya Ichi) .
The story of a murdered Yakuza boss, his faithful subordinate's quest for revenge, and the slightly retarded killer taking out the mob with razors on his heels.
Ichi The Killer is a true blood bath of a film, and is one of those movies that you watch and you never, ever forget. The title sequence alone will have some people turning it off in disgust. It's just that twisted.
If you are not easily offended, see this movie at all cost. You will never forget it. Just make sure it's the unrated version not the bastardized "R" cut.
Enough about the film, who is this Badass Mofo???
He inflicts pain on himself and others and thoroughly enjoys it. Once the right hand man (and possibly lover) to a big time Yakuza boss, Kakihara is seriously messed up in the head. Of course only in the way that benefits the brave viewer. Those who piss him off or withhold information from him, pay the price. While us, the audience, get to see some of the most twisted torture scenes ever put to film.
But in a scene that ranks him high up on the Badass scale, Kakihara proves to a Yakuza leader how sorry he was for torturing a fellow member.
Yes, he cut off his effin tongue and answered his phone without missing a beat!!!
Amazing! Truly Badass.
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