Riki-Oh (or Riki-Ho as the dub on the DVD states...hehehe...HO) is one badass dude. He is the poorman's Kenshiro. Even though the "Fist Of The North Star" Live action movie sucks, this live action manga adaptation doesn't...
Every Saturday I am going to attempt to pick a person who I believe is worthy of being called a "Badass". To kick things off I'm starting with, who I believe to be, one of Japanese Cinema's...no, world Cinema's most hardcore MFers:
I wish I knew who to credit for that fabulous picture above...oh well, "Copy write the guy/gal who took that picture". No, Minilla was not at the event! You are stoopid for thinking so! Shame on you!!!
Soooooooooooo....everyone at one point has told me to get a blog because I am a writer. So here it is. I plan on posting a lot of geeky things on here. The Internets are about to explode with awesome juices...